Saturday, December 10, 2016

My Hero's Journey: Chapter 13

  The readings for this week reminded me of the vital role of dealing with risk and failure.  As I’ve had more life experiences, I’ve come to realize that failure is a tricky, misleading word to use.  I used to walk into situations thinking, okay, I will either fail or succeed at this task.  You can choose to look at things that way, and you wouldn’t necessarily be wrong, but there is a better way of seeing it.  If we look at every experience as an opportunity for growth, even in seeming failure, there is a hidden truth to be discovered.  The most startlingly beautiful truths remain concealed until we make the effort to find them.  

  We crack open geodes, the most unassuming of rocks, to reveal their hidden crystals.  Lotuses begin life in the depths of the mud, and grow until they break the surface to unfurl into brilliant, pink-petaled flowers.  The natural world is abundant in hidden treasures that must undergo a process to be discovered, whether through internal or external forces.  We can experience a similar blossoming effect when we trust that even in tough circumstances, there is something great within ourselves to discover.  By embracing this phenomenon, we can find our potential and deal with difficulty in such a way that we find strength and beauty in the most difficult of experiences.  

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