Monday, September 12, 2016

My Hero's Journey: Chapter 1

  I started this morning not knowing what to expect when I started my business journey with my first class on entrepreneurship.  The word itself has always piqued my interest.  What comes to mind when I think entrepreneur?  Creative.  Innovative.  Hard-Working.  Insightful.  Problem-solver.  Strategic.  Idea-generator.  These are all concepts that I identify with.  The question I’m left with, however, is: how do I combine these values into the powerful force known as an entrepreneur?

  I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this course is the path to discovering the answer to such a question.  I believe that there are two key components to entrepreneurship.  First, the internal journey that leads one to becoming the hero of their own story.  And second, the real-world knowledge of how to actually start a business.  Luckily, this course focuses on the first component.

  I’m thrilled to start this hero’s journey, to discover my quest, find my companions, face my weaknesses, and ultimately, be a better person at the end of it, or perhaps, because of it.  I’ve been writing a book for the past few years, and during that time I’ve studied Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey, in order to better grasp my character’s development.  In the larger scheme, I, too, am on the path of my own hero’s journey, whether or not I recognize it at times.  This course is like a side quest that I hope, over time, will integrate itself into the over-arching plot of my life.  

  Only time will tell, and I’m excited to see what it says.     

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